Someone stole my appetite the last few days and nothing in the house sounded good, not only didnapos;t sound good, but the thought of it turned my stomach. Iapos;m not sure whatapos;s up, probably a combination of time of the month plus just sick and tired of the same food over and over.
Anyway, I ended up walking to corner store for a tuna sammach day before yesterday, that stayed down quite happily, so that was all I wanted the next day, but was lazier yesterday so went to the closer corner store. Was someone annoyed to find that their tuna salad sammach on wheat was a whole dollar more than the one at the further store. Bought it anyway.
Totally worth it. I wouldnapos;t quite say it was a whole dollar tastier, but definitely 85 cents tastier. The big difference was that there was nice little chunks of celery in. I love celery, I always forget I love celery and Iapos;m not sure why.
So since perishables were on Japos;s list he got one bunch of celery for me, mayo, and even a loaf of (OMG) sourdough bread to go with the tuna and pickles on my list (spicy brown mustard at home already).
So I just made a sammach that totally kicked the ass of the corner store sammach.
Iapos;m overly pleased with myself, canapos;t you tell.
capital exemption gain.

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