четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

dropout rate statistics

Iapos;d like to make a Public Service Announcement Haha.

I want a P.O Box but they are $130 per year and I will be getting one of you to purchase it. Hello Stranger, you are welcome to do such a deed as well.

More often than not I am contacted by the same olapos; carbon copy "sub". Conversation generally goes along these lines:

"Oh Princess You are so perfect When you talk to me like that it makes me feel like such a loser - makes me so0o0o hawt."

Listen fellas, if you want to stand out of the crowd, for any Domme for that matter, you need to be YOURSELF If you are truly submissive, you would not need to put on such an act, would you? I donapos;t think you go about your day-to-day life interacting with people in this manner. Do what comes naturally Of course, interaction with a Domme will be different but for godapos;s sake: PLEASE donapos;t bore Us with the same old crap you tend to ramble about. Just a hint. ;)

Tips for being an awesome slave:
1. Be interesting - no more zombie BS
2. Be loyal
3. Know the true meaning of servitude
4. Remove your ego
5. Be upfront and honest
6. Do whatever is within your meek ability to please
7. Have a sense of humour
8. Stop being overly apologetic Unless you want Me to hate you sapos;more?
9. Donapos;t play Dommes for chumps.
10. Understand as much as your brain can capacitate what it is youapos;re going into and sacrificing... There is no excuse for flaking.

I did manage to come across a sub who appears to be interesting and importantly unique. Young fellow, heapos;s only My age (18) and itapos;s already off to an excellent start. Iapos;ll say now that I really enjoy your company so far :D

Young boy: i only started talking to You a couple hours ago
Young boy: and im already walkin miles to tribute You
Elita the Goddess: I know. Such a strange occurence isnapos;t it.

Had a fun few days with the boyfriend. He decided it would be an awesome idea to maim himself and rip off his toenail. I bet some of you fools would eat it? lol. Anyway, we had to go to the emergency ward as it was at risk of severe infection. Stupid boy Waited two or so hours just for it to get dressed properly by a nurse.

We also played a stupid game of him blind-folding himself and Me putting whatever I wanted to into his mouth. It was hilarious Tequila, chili paste, bicard soda and lemon juice. BWAHAHAH Weapos;re so great together.

Was hoping to go to this fantastic Mexican restaurant but the boyfie and his Mummy decided on tonight instead... Without Me. BOOHOO Itapos;s because I have a lot of work to do.

On another note, I still have plenty of Accounting study left to do, so I better go and do it. Also scooped up return flights to Oz for the insane price of $26 return. Amaaazzing. I still plan on going to the U.S and then Australia ... Twice Haha. Hereapos;s to hoping there is a miraculous return of the economy or I fetch up some discounted U.S fares.�

cornella hotel, dropout rate statistics.

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