I hate politics. Hate hate hate hate politics. I absolutely despise watching this debate, but I am anyways because I have a morbid curiosity about it.
I donapos;t like politics because I donapos;t believe in it, and when you donapos;t believe in something - itapos;s awfully hard to give a damn about it.
Itapos;s just two people - two people who are definitely not like the population - representing the population. I really could give a damn if they used to be middle class. I used to eat Play Doh.
So yeah, and to make matters even better - the two is narrowed down to one person. One person to represent a whole country. Does the House or the Senate even count? They certainly donapos;t give a damn what people think. Iapos;ve lost faith in them for other reasons (think bailout).
And the problem with this whole system is that people are people are people and people are generally easily corrupted by shiny baubles.
By the way, if Autism is on the rise - maybe itapos;s our environment and the generally crappy things we put in our kids mouths. 1800 calorie kids meals, anyone?
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